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In today’s day and age, businesses shrink into nothing without effective marketing and excellent PR strategies. Marketing techniques and strategies are the life and soul of a thriving business, while PR helps your business grow manifold. PR and Marketing are virtually inseparable, and learning about one is useless without knowing the other.

This book deals with entwined concepts that lay within the Marketing and PR realm. Experts have always known that only an exceptional combination of Marketing and PR can bring exponential growth in a company. That is why this book deals with strategies, techniques, research studies, and examples that show us how we can be remarkable in the field of Marketing and PR to help the company thrive ultimately.

The highly concise yet comprehensive style of writing enables readers to understand the concepts of this book and the crux of business strategies. With innumerable examples, readers will hopefully get an insight into the business strategies and marketing techniques of most thriving companies in the world.

This book aims to help readers develop a practical understanding of the most successful marketing and PR theories and ideas, thereby enabling them to achieve great heights of success.

This book gives working professionals and detailed amateur advice and crucial marketing and public relation skills. This book covers all the aspects from the basics of public relations and marketing to how to make use of them in different scenarios. The problems of the developing world have been taken care of, and also the way to tackle various problems has been explained elegantly. With essential techniques that will keep current practitioners on cutting edge and expert advice to kick start aspiring careers.


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