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This book stems from the realization that there remains a vital need to integrate managerial theory and practice. The search for a general theory of management has failed because the more comprehensive and inclusive any such theory becomes, the greater the barriers to its implementation.

Organizational learning, by emphasizing change, adaptability, and the utilization of new knowledge can offer a way of detecting and filling the gaps between theory and effective practice. Almost all scholars would agree with the assertion that organizations must be able to learn.

It is more open to question, although still widely accepted, that learning can be a source of competitive advantage. However, the actions that organizations should take to learn, and to use what they learn as a source of competitive advantage, are unclear. We are, therefore, in a situation where the need to learn at an organizational level is widely accepted, yet there is little or no agreement as to how organizations should achieve this. What is clear, however, is that both practitioner-oriented and academic authors have begun to acknowledge that people and knowledge are key determinants of organizational effectiveness.

With this book, readers will get practical, doable coaching strategies that they can apply today to create successful change. The book will help in adopting a new, positive mindset that change can be easy and within your reach, as well as provide insight, skills, and understanding of a coaching style of leadership.


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