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Integrated circuits (ICs) are a keystone of modern electronics. They are the heart and brains of most circuits, encompassing the particular logic and circuit design techniques required to design integrated circuits, or ICs. ICs consist of miniaturized electronic components built into an electrical network on a monolithic semiconductor substrate by photolithography. Today, due to the continuous miniaturization of electronic components, a single integrated circuit (IC) contains many transistors and interconnections very close each other, and this causes an increased number of unwanted interactions. In a mixed-signal System-on-Chip (SoC), i.e., when analog and digital circuits are integrated on the same silicon chip, performance limitations come mainly from the analog section which interfaces the digital processing core with the external world. In such ICs, the digital switching activity may affect the analog section. A method to isolate the individual components formed in the substrate is necessary since the substrate silicon is conductive and often forms an active region of the individual components. With the progress of science and technology, communication products play an increasingly important role in the development of countries and improvement of daily life, and the integrated circuits are the core components of communication products. At present, the scale of integrated circuits enlarges gradually, functional integrations extend, and the requirement of reliability also improves.
This book entitled “Digital Integrated Circuit Design” is aimed to cover trends and developments in the design and application of analog, radio frequency (RF), and mixed signal integrated circuits (ICs) as well as signal processing circuits and systems. It features both new research results and reviews and reflects the large volume of cutting-edge research activity in this field today. This book intends to mainly introduce the failure analysis technology and process of integrated circuits applied in the communication products. This book also introduces the specific process of failure analysis, and the process can reflect the application of concrete failure analysis method. The integrated circuit failure analysis depends on the accurate confirmation and analysis of chip failure mode, the search of the root failure cause, the summary of failure mechanism and the implement of the improvement measures. Through the failure analysis, the reliability of integrated circuit and rate of good products can improve, and gain good economic benefits.