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In recent years, machine intelligence has become a well-established research area and attracted a number of researchers in many science and engineering fields. Many fields such as signal processing, intelligent sensing, image/video processing, computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, transfer learning, extreme learning machine, and representational learning are contributing significant role in machine intelligence.
Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing covers cutting edge multi-disciplinary topics in the domain of machine learning and signal processing. Innovative treatments and solicitations of signal processing and machine learning algorithms have been explored in various fields, together with speaker recognition, environmental data analysis, remote sensing data modeling, fault diagnosis, and computer vision. As speech recognition has become one of the widely used technologies, it offers great opportunity to interact and communicate with automated machines. Precisely, it can be affirmed that speech recognition facilitates its users and helps them to perform their daily routine tasks, in a more convenient and effective manner. This work intends to present the illustration of recent technological advancements, which are associated with artificial intelligence.
Presenting readers with new insight about signal based sensing, processing, and recognition in machine intelligence topics, which are highly interesting and scientifically valid; this book will appeal to researchers, professionals and students in the fields of machine learning and signal processing.