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Over the previous years, Powder Metallurgy (PM) has known an impressive development. This is eloquently highlighted by the upgraded classification of its present applications given. Powder metallurgy products cover a broad range of applications and are used in the automotive, electrical, business machine, agricultural machine, sewing machine and other industries. Powder metallurgy process can be applied to not only metal materials but also ceramics and organic materials, which both are employed as structural and electrical products.
Powder Metallurgy presents state of the art in the theoretical principles, manufacturing technology, and properties of powder; technology of forming processes; the technology of sintering, heat treatment; and testing methods. In recent years, the use of prealloyed stainless steel powders has lent itself to consolidation at higher temperatures through supersolidus liquid phase sintering. Mechanical properties of sintered structural parts improving, for overcoming the PM limitations concerning the complex shape and large parts realization as well as for the advanced materials obtaining, like nanocrystalline materials, intermetallics and composites, the most recent methods for this purpose are being considered. The worldwide contributions to powder metallurgy present excellent and significantly important research topics to evaluate various properties and performance of PM materials for applying these materials as actual components.
Portraying detailed information, original research and development, this book will be beneficial for the readers to develop their knowledge and harmonize specific information concerning these topics and will convince the manufacturers about the advantages of using the powder metallurgy technology in many branches of industry.