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As the world population is increasing day‐by‐day and demand for food is rising. The main reasons for hunger in the world are poverty, conflict, the increment in world population, food and agricultural policies and climate change. Postharvest handling of fruits and vegetables is an important factor not only in preventing postharvest losses but also in maintaining its safety and nutritional quality. Since natural resources are being depleted at matchless rates, it is of utmost importance to protect natural resources and provide sustainability in production systems, but at the same time, it is also important to efficiently handle, store, and utilize products to be able to feed the world in the future. At this point, postharvest handling is becoming more important, which is the main determinant of the postharvest losses.
This book talks about the main postharvest physiological disorders considered in fruits and vegetables. It opens with an introductory chapter on postharvest physiology and technology of horticultural crops. In further chapters, the book discusses the state of art on postharvest with a scientific approach, evaluating the current knowledge about the physiology and pathology of different produces and the main causes of deterioration. In addition, it also explains the main facilities for the cold storage of citrus fruit with particular reference to the rapid-cooling techniques and treatments needed prior to shipment of citrus fruits (refer shipment).
The book also further cover comprehensive information that intends to investigate the changes of fruit color, quality attributes, and phenolic metabolism in harvested fruit and vegetables, and further addressed relationships among the internal factors and color changes in order to explore the key internal factors influencing the color quality of postharvest fruits and vegetables under different storage temperature.
Overall, the correct management of the environmental factors is crucial for the prolongation of the postharvest life of produce. Pre‐harvest applications, correct maturity at harvest, harvesting gently, pre‐cooling, transportation conditions, sorting, sanitation, fungicide treatment, protective coverage, grading, sizing, packaging, and storage are the basic steps in postharvest handling. In light of this information, this critical book aims to provide convenient and scientific information about the postharvest handling of different products.
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