No one is born with the knowledge of dairy products. We learn to do many things in a lifetime, and nearly all of them get better with practice.

The dairy industry is the largest sector of the food supply chain, in that not only does it supply retailers with numerous ready-to-eat products like liquid milk, butter, and cheese, but it also provides ingredients, e.g., milk powders and condensed milk, to a variety of food processors.

If you are planning to use this book, dairy science is entirely new to you. Here you will learn about basic concepts as well as detailed information to know the topic deeper and better. A large extent of scientific expertise is needed to improve the future of the dairy industry. As such tasks are not product-specific, this book aims to examine some of the scientific and technical options that many dairy companies will need to consider, and maybe embrace, over the next decade.

There are more benefits to studying the best books. And this is quite a good one on this topic.


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