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Rapid advances in biology have had a major impact on our society. From the production of new drugs, to revolutionary advances in our understanding of how cells work, the areas of cell and molecular biology have contributed to our lives in a number of ways. Molecular cell refers to the study of how molecules interact to give rise to the properties of cells, their ability to grow, maintain themselves and divide.
Molecular Cell examines how the interaction of macromolecules gives rise to life, i.e., to the functioning of living organisms. The integration of molecular structure, function, and behavior can lead to a functional living cell. Molecular techniques have revolutionized our knowledge of cell and tissue function in both health and disease. We already have new and powerful treatments based on an understanding of communication between cells by messenger molecules called cytokines. Furthermore, there is great therapeutic promise in defining molecules which regulate cell adhesion, motility, proliferation, survival, and death. Understanding these areas is essential for medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry, virology, immunology, developmental biology, and in a number of the high-tech industries. From agriculture to the space program, fundamental information from these areas has had enormous impact on the changes that have occurred in our generation.
Cell And Molecular Biology mainly focuses on selected topics to cell structures and functions, genetic material, regulatory mechanisms, cellular biomedicine and new methods in cell biology. It also deals with the determination of cell fate and differentiation, growth regulation of cell, cell adhesion and movement, Intracellular trafficking, exploring cells, their characteristics, parts, and chemical processes, and pays special attention to how molecules control a cell’s activities and growth. This book will appeal to medical, dental, veterinary, pharmacological, botanical and biological students and researches for the detailed understanding of these multiple links. The current trends described in the book, can be a good inspiration to many readers for further improving, and outlooks which are highlighted can be seen in many areas of fundamental biology, biomedicine, biotechnology and other applications of knowledge of cell biology.